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What am I doing for Festival Season?

Midsummer is upon us meaning only one thing.. Festival season! So what does that mean for us non-festival go'ers? Well I have a bunch of things to replace those festival blues and make every Summer amazing..

I’m not a huge fan of rough festival camping, all that really comes to mind is cold and sleepless nights, filled with the drunken slurs and shouts coming from outside your half-put up tent! Throw in a few people tripping over your tent pegs.. And then tripping over in general, and there you have my (pretty realistic) expectations of festival camping. Or my experience so far anyway!

So instead I think I’ll stick to my own version of camping, I call it the yurt. All the awesome experiences of your average camp-out; hand built campfires, barbeque food, and the perfect opportunity to look a mess! Best of all, wonderful company. Although the yurt still has a few of those home comforts that a tent tends to take away e.g. warmth and dryness! There’s really no better feeling than the half-conscious stumble from the tent/yurt to outdoors and then that raw sense of freedom and nature!

So even if you're not partaking in the festivities this month, don’t deprive yourself of all the festival-like experiences. Take advantage of the warm(er) weather and enjoy a glamp/camp out! Oh and the best part is..You can choose your own music!

Speaking of music, another thing I love to do this time of year is make my own playlists! A collection of songs that pump me up and put me back in the spirit of Summer. I tend to go for a positive, happy and chilled vibe. Songs that I can just mong-out and relax to. A couple of my current summer favourites are:

Mantaraybryn - Pristine

Mary Lambert (ft BoB) - Secrets

Incubus - Aqueous Transmition

It can be a great way to discover new music and refresh your love for the classics! Take a look at my playlists for some inspo.

Anyone who knows me will know I’m a huuuuge fan of plants, cacti and succulents. Having little things to take care of and that depend on you is a really rewarding feeling! Summer is growth season for them (cacti especially) so they needs lots of extra care around this time of year. I buy formulas and maybe repot a few of the bigger ones, you learn how to take care of your individual plants over time and it becomes a lot easier to cater for their needs.

Shopping for plants can be a really fun experience. It’s like adopting a new member to your own little family. You can look anywhere from garden centres, to department stores, to flea markets for your perfect plants. It’s a great hobby to get started with this summer! There’s something extremely soul-refreshing about coming home to or waking up to a room filled with elements of the outdoors.

A challenge I set myself this summer is to take more photos! Not necessarily of things or people - But moments, moments that meant something to me. The photo itself may not be beautiful or ‘instagram-worthy’ but the story behind the photo will stay fresh in your memory. So why not try it this summer? Next time you find yourself laughing hysterically or overwhelmed by any surroundings or situations, photograph it!

Ever thought of starting a blog? I started mine just before my first ever working-travelling adventure because I wanted a platform to share my day-to-day life and experiences. Doing this will also force you to get up everyday and do something, even something as simple as walking your dog. It’s all about perspective. It challenges you to find something new to experience and write about everyday.

There's just a few of the ways I like to fill up my Summer days.. So make sure you enjoy this time of year! You don't have to go with the masses, have some quality YOU time and just enjoy the sun!

Namaste, Brooke x

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